Equipping & Strengthening Church Operations & Training

“Serving the Lord is not about the title or the position, but about being a servant. It is only in the church that servant-hood can become a reality.”

— Ptr. Bubot Jose

This humbling statement is what kicked off the first-ever ESCOT 2021 of JIL USA Chapter held online via Zoom last April 17, 2021. The respective Pastors and Coordinators of each JIL church in the United States of America came together in a humbling experience not only to be encouraged and motivated, but also to be armed with biblical principles and strategies in setting goals and staying relevant for service.

The first session led by Ptr. Bubot Jose established the need for a biblical training of church leaders in order to emphasize that leaders are meant to equip people for service and that the plurality of leadership must be exercised and practiced. After all, one cannot find ministry being done by a single person, but always by a group of people dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission and the work of the Lord.

Next up was led by Ptr. Cris Jose who provided insights that the keys to church growth are linked to the general principles of setting goals in the ministry. There is a great emphasis for leaders to desire making changes and be intentional about it. Without goals, there is no direction and no destination to reach. Motivation is the key to creating the personal commitment and dedication that every leader and worker must have in order to succeed, because people are more inclined in accomplishing the ministry goals they helped create. A ministry that costs nothing will accomplish nothing.

The last session led by Ptr. Jess Maghacot focused on the need for the church to choose to stay and be relevant. Yesterday’s solution may no longer be applicable to our environment today. The world continues to change and if people continue to do what they’ve always done, they will be irrelevant. There is God-given opportunity for the church to be effective in the new environment and when leaders learn to empower people in the ministry, the church grows and increases in number. Wisdom and skills added together equals success.

The event ended with Pastors and Coordinators challenged and empowered by the calling of God. This generation ought to be ready for the greater things God is about to do. Vision 300 by 2020 and beyond, here we come!

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