Mission, Vision, Core Values


To bring all peoples to the kingdom of the living God regardless of race, status, belief and religious affiliations through the saving, healing, delivering, and transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Jesus Is Lord Church (Worldwide) exists to bring all peoples, regardless of race, status, belief and religious affiliations, to the Kingdom of the Living GOD in obedience to the Great Commission of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, thus experiencing all the blessings of the Kingdom.

Definition of terms:

  1. Jesus Is Lord Church (Worldwide) – shall hereinafter referred to as “JILCW” or “the Church”, the constituted Corporation Sole
  2. Kingdom of GOD – the complete dominion of GOD, through the Lordship of JESUS CHRIST, over the totality of our lives and over all His creation
  3. Saving – salvation in all aspects of life primarily eternal life
  4. Healing – healing in all aspects of life: spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, financial
  5. Delivering – total freedom from sins, curses and bondages
  6. Transforming – changed life from the old self to CHRIST-likeness impacting the society


A glorious church evangelizing and discipling Filipinos and all the peoples of the world through teaching, preaching and living-out the full-Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The JILCW is a channel of GOD’s divine transforming power through the HOLY SPIRIT, manifested in the daily CHRIST-like lifestyle of its members.

Definition of terms:

  1. Glorious church – blameless, without spot, without blemish; a bride of CHRIST ready to be raptured
  2. Evangelizing – preaching the Gospel with the goal of winning souls
  3. Discipling – equipping the believers to become like CHRIST
  4. Living out – manifesting CHRIST-likeness in all areas of life: personal, family, school, work, business, community, nation, etc.

Scope of the Vision

The JILCW is passionately committed and wholly devoted to the Vision entrusted by the Sovereign GOD. It endeavors to reach the fulfillment of the Glorious Plan of GOD by bringing the Gospel of the LORD JESUS CHRIST to all parts of the world. Thus, the all-encompassing scope of the vision of the Church covers its Micro and Macro Vision.

  1. Micro Vision – all geographical territories within the Philippines
  2. Macro Vision – all geographical territories outside the Philippines

Core Values

Passionate Love for GOD
An intimate and wholehearted devotion, reserved to GOD alone, that is steadfast and unparalleled, evidenced by absolute submission and obedience to GOD’s will and commands (Deuteronomy 6:5)
Love and Compassion for Others
A compelling urge that eventually becomes a natural inclination to selflessly care for others as He cares for others, becoming GOD’s channel of unconditional mercy and grace (Mark 12:31)
An uprightness of character that is beyond reproach, in private and public life, through the uncompromised principle of upholding truth, transparency and consistency in word and in action (Psalm 78:72)
An authentic loyalty to GOD with a sense of responsibility as stewards to the various roles, relationships and resources entrusted by GOD (Matthew 25:21)
A quality of character that rejects mediocrity and commits to GOD’s highest workmanship (Daniel 6:3-4)